Monday, January 12, 2009

For my Birthday...

You know the drill about 3 days after you child's birthday they start telling you what they want for their birthday the following year (theme, giftgivers, gifts, party favors, etc.)... Or is that just my kids? Last year I told Jack that I would not discuss his birthday until April of 2009. I made a mistake, Saturday morning at breakfast he caught me off guard, mostly because I didn't have my defenses up because I have been doing the "ask Santa" excuse since September.
No Santa = no defense +AGGGHHHHH!
When hearing her brother discuss his birthday party, Abby jumped on the party train. This is not going to be good. Event planning is one of my hobbies, so I was kind of digging that the kids had made definitive decisions about where they wanted their parties to take place. Maybe my kids love their birthdays so much because of the great parties I throw for them. Really this is a complement to all of my hard work - making invitations, inviting the right friends, have fun party favors and activities to do, good food, and most importantly having great dessert. I should be encouraging them to help me with their party planning, rather then dismissing them at the mention of it. Starting today I am going to adopt a whole new attitude about the topic of birthdays and I know that my kids are going to have the greatest birthdays this year!

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