Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas is a disease...

Jack and Abby in front of the
Disney Tree with their matching Pjs 2007
Funny that on the day that I am having my air conditioning serviced I am also dreaming of Christmas. I blame the kids. After last week's break into song and dance about it being Christmastime I have thought have nothing more then just that ( I have to admit that Thrifty Chick has not helped me at all in this department). There is this spot on my couch in the great room that makes me think of Christmas, probably because my Christmas tree is so big that most of the furniture in that room has to be relocated to other locations for the month of December, I was sitting in the spot were I enjoy watching Christmas movies, drinking hot beverages, admiring my gift wrapping, and of course gaze at my tree today thinking... I love my Christmas tree (s)!
I was talking about my Christmas obsession the other day to another mom at Abby's dance class. I happened to mention that I have not just 1 tree, or even just 2, we have 3 Christmas trees! I am now called "CRAZY". I am a believer in "if the shoe fits", thus 3 trees fit so I do it- happily! I will post some pictures of my trees later.
Beyond my Christmas tree and ornament obsession is the card craze, I love writing the letter, sending the cards, and most of all receiving the cards, especially if they have pictures with them. This entire blog is an extension of my brain on Christmas, I started waking up with Christmas letter idea about 2 weeks ago, a lot of time, effort, and editing (by my sister) goes into my Christmas letter and cards. I have already visualized what my card will look like and I haven't even taking the picture yet! Yesterday I almost bought my Christmas stamps at Costco (you should never mail a Christmas card without a Christmas stamp)!
My kids of course are already working on what they may want for Christmas. Jack has been told that this year he HAS to write a letter to Santa. Abby just wants polish (nailpolish). Oh the kids! I was counting the days until Gymboree had their Christmas pajamas in the stores so I could get mine before everyone else. Why do my kids need Christmas pajamas in October, BECAUSE they might not have the size or style that I want in December that is why! Trust me these ARE the things that I think about. Ask my sister or my girlfriends, they can attest to it. :)
As for this affliction, I know that I will be cured of it by January 1st. I also know that by next October I will start the itching and the scratching to get my trees up, the house decorated, and presents wrapped in time for the holidays.

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