Friday, November 28, 2008
i heart black friday!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankfully yours...

Saturday, November 22, 2008
My Secret Desire...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Christmas Pictures! AGHHHHH...

Monday, November 17, 2008
We Are Those Parents...
You know the ones I am talking about, the parents who take their children to a fancy restaurant and let them watch DVDs at the table. For fear of becoming our parents we do everything the opposite of the way our parents raised us. You can hate us because we:
- Go on vacation without our children. We are currently discussing a mom and dad trip to Disneyland...
- We take our kids to restaurants and sit across the table from each other and text message each other. Sick- I know- but necessary to communicate without interruption.
- We laugh at our kids. (I don't mean with them,I mean at them). After the election last week Jack told us that "Obama took Miss. Pippi." Not sure what the heck he was talking about he repeated himself "Obama took Miss. Pippi you know the RIVER!" Perfect sense -but so FUNNY!
- We make our kids go to bed by 8pm so that we can watch what we want to watch on TV without interruption. There was a point in Jack's toddler days that he could sing the CSI theme song we watched so many episodes- another reason to hate us.
- We down play our children's injuries. They cry, we tell them to suck it up and be a man (or woman). Mean? I know, but my kids don't over react at the slightest scratch like I have witness some children do.
- We say things like "That costs a lot of money." and "we don't always get what we want". I know this is what our parents said to us but I never said that we hadn't turned into our parents, I just said that we fear becoming them.
- We don't make our kids eat vegetables. I remember hating vegetables as a kid and being forced to eat them. Did I like that? NO! But at some point in adolescence or young adulthood I discovered that I liked the taste of them and never turned back. Trust me I will still not eat peas or stuffed peppers but that is my choice.
I have come to the conclusion that you parent the way that works for you. I am jealous of the parent who can ignore their child's bad behavior for the sake of not freaking out in front of an audience or the parent whose children will eat anything that is set in front of them. Trust me I really hate them! But if it works for you more power to you!
I think that the most important thing that I have discovered about parenting is that if the parents have to be in sync with each other, make time for each other, be the most important thing in each others lives , and they need remember the reason the kids are there in the first place... because the two of you fell in love and created them. As long as the entire family respects the bond of the parents everything else will work out fine.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I stand by what I say...
- I love Thanksgiving. I love turkey and dressing. I love Rachael Ray's Pumpkin Cheesecake. I love the Thanksgiving Day Parade. I love reading the newspaper advertisements and planning my shopping attack for Black Friday. What I don't care for is that Thanksgiving has no commercial appeal to the mass markets. There are no gifts to buy and wrap, no real decorations that qualify as purely Thanksgiving. After Halloween is over I turn around my Jack-o-Lanterns and make them pumpkins. NO FUN! I do have the Little People Mayflower and Thanksgiving Feast set which I think is so cute and I play with more then my kids do.
- How can you not start thinking about Christmas when desperate retailers have already had Santa make his big debut at the local mall. That did freak me out, but not as bad as the parents that were there having their children's picture taken with him last week.
- With the economy, the war, and the election, it seems like everyone needs a little Christmas cheer to get them out of this funk. There can be no doom and gloom with Christmas in the air.
- I am from the school of thought that I like to get all of my Christmas work stuff done early because I like to enjoy the Christmas fun stuff. I don't think it gets any better then a hot cup of tea sitting next to my 14 foot Christmas tree with the fire going, blanket on, curled up next to my husband and kids and watching one of those cheesy Christmas movies from the 70s. It isn't very often that we slow down these days to enjoying being with one another.
- I don't want to diet I want to BAKE!!! Right now I am on the post vacation diet, I have been eating good, I want to make (and eat) candy, cookies, and other yummy treats and to not worry about it because it is Christmas!
- I want to shop! I love to shop for other people. I try to buy nice things for my friends and family because I like to treat them to special things. Right now I am in a holding pattern of to shop or not to shop... again the economy.
Just so that you know there is no way I would put up Christmas before Thanksgiving because I just don't have the time. As I has mentioned before I have a little problem when it comes to Christmas decor as well as a husband who has a hard time letting go of our children's baby clothes those two things have collided in the attic so is ALL has to come down and be dealt with.
I think that a little early Christmas may do us all some good. Sorry!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Christmas is a disease...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Christmas is coming... (or "Christmas is Here!")

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hallmark Step Aside... There is a new Cardmarker in Town!

- Find 10 to 20 friends to participate.
- Each friend makes as many cards as there are in the group. Some will make it complicated and super crafty, others (like me) will be simple. You will enjoy each for their own personality. Themes don't matter!
- Everyone needs to make sure that their cards are turned in my the set date with an envelope that fits the card.
- One person collects the cards and redistributes them to the participants.
I love it!!!The best was my friend told me about it in August, just about the time Target was clearing out their Summer card products. I got a bunch of cards and embellishments for only a few dollars. All I did extra was buy some ribbon at Michaels. I think I did 20 cards for less then $10! WOW! A Bargain!