Sunday, December 13, 2009

Guess who is on the naughty list...

I know right? My favorite store of all times. Has been very, Very, VERY bad! And I have the facts to prove it.
Fact #1:
On November 10th I ordered two Lego Advent Calendars, one for Jack and the other for the Callahan boys. At $29 a piece that was a Christmas spirit splurge. As I placed my order the confirmation stated "Items will be delivered between December 2 and December 16th"- Yikes that is a long time and kind of defeats the purpose of an advent calendar which is supposed to count down the 24 days to Christmas, but the boys will loved them so I left my order in Target limbo.
In the mean time every time I have found myself in Target I would have to breeze down the Lego aisle hoping that the Lego gods would smile upon me and bless me with the prized advent calendar. No such luck. Then last Thursday morning I noticed that I had a order update from Target in my Inbox. Great! The Advent calendars are on the way!
Try Again!
The Lego conspiracy continues with a back order date of January 26 to January 28. I don't know about all of you but there is not a single Christmas decoration in my house past January 3rd if there is anything I can do about it. Not to mention the fact that no Christmas item should be bought from Target after December 24th for no less then 50% off. By January 26th, these calendars should be discounted by 90% in my eyes. GRRR! ORDER... CANCELLED.
Moral to the story. Buy local. Buy early (like in October when Jack first spotted them in the store and I told him it was too early to buy Christmas stuff). And no one gets hurt.
Fact #2:
Starts with the Fresno Bee is the most worthless newspaper on the planet. After "The Bee" reformatted this fall, the news didn't exist. Articles about things I care about and that aren't even happening in our community, doesn't encourage me to renew my subscription. The Sunday ads did for awhile keep me reading for awhile. In an attempt to cut costs, I let the subscription go because I can see the Target ad online (click for this week's ad). But little did I know that Target tricks up in to feeling bad about the availability of products available in my normal Target with the sweet, sweet deals available only at the SUPER TARGET. The elusive SUPER TARGET-aghh! How I wish you were mine, all mine! But I can't have you so please don't show me what you have to offer (in other words the things that can't be mine).
Moral to the story. Ignorance is bliss. Thanks a lot Target, I am not feeling so blissful.
I am beginning to feel the pain that Charlie Brown felt. What is the true meaning of Christmas?

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