This has been a hard year of adjustments for the kids at home, but both kids had amazing teachers to help guide them through the school year with a few minor hiccups.
The night before the last day of school, I told Abby that she could sleep in in the morning because it didn't matter if she was tardy. She looked at me horrified and said "I can't be late! Tomorrow is the most important day to be on time!" Bewildered I asked her why. Her response was priceless "Mom, I want to be able to spend as much time with Mrs. Logan as I can." As I repeated this to Mrs. Logan the next day tears came to both of our eyes. Abby is convinced that it would just be better if she stayed in the second grade forever. **PLEASE!**

I had a million thank yous for Jack's teacher too. She has been so good to Jack, she helped him remain focused, to earn Honor Roll, to achieve 2nd place in the 5th grade Science Fair, she taught him important lessons on responsibility and self-control. When I thanked her she hugged me and said "he had a really good year, he is a very smart boy, I enjoyed having both of you in my class." I am not sure how any parent gets through that without shedding a tear or two.
I am so grateful for their school. A place that is safe, where they have friends, where they face defeats and victories, and where they learn.